Beat the Bloat

Did you know that some of the healthy foods we eat to stay slim may actually be making us more bloated? That's not good!

Many people think that eating raw foods, like fruits and vegetables, is best for health and nutrients. But if you find yourself constantly bloating and feeling gassy, then it might be time to switch up your diet!

Foods That Cause Bloating

Vegetables in the cabbage family are wonderful for fighting cancer and supporting your liver but can be the culprit for bloating and gas. It's important to eat these vegetables cooked when possible. The body has to expend much less energy to digest cooked foods, which can help prevent bloat.

Another food family that can wreak havoc on your digestive system is beans, especially kidney beans. Kidney beans are impossible to digest, so if you're planning a meal with beans, opt for aduki beans, black beans, and garbanzos. I like this brand because they use a sea vegetable called kombu. You can use kombu like a bay leaf, which almost pre-digests the bean. This will allow you to process the beans without bloating or gas.

Brussels Sprouts and the cabbage family, along with beans, have a carbohydrate that's hard to digest, making it difficult to digest by the GI tract. Whether you eat these foods raw or cooked, you may still experience bloating. I recommend taking a digestive enzyme the next time you eat these foods!

In addition to foods that may be difficult to digest, we also have to consider food sensitivities. The five most common food sensitivities are wheat, dairy, corn, soy, and eggs. I recommend evaluating your relationship with those. Just like you have to put the right gas in a car to make it work efficiently, you must do the same with food and your body.

What About Fiber?

You want to have a combination of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, while insoluble fiber does not. Soluble fiber, however, changes as it goes through the digestive tract, where bacteria ferments it. Soluble fiber absorbs water and becomes gelatinous. Insoluble fiber goes through the digestive tract without changing its forms.

Contrary to popular belief, bran is one of the worst sources of fiber because it can be tough to digest.

Instead, I suggest using chia seeds or flax seeds and putting them on your yogurt in the morning for a healthy dose of fiber to start your day.

To learn more about fiber, check out our blog all about fiber and how it can change your life.

Healing Foods To Beat The Bloat

Fennel is amazing healing food, and it calms and soothes the lining of the GI tract. If it's too late and you already have the bloat, you can have a few pieces of fennel. All you need to do is cut it like you would use celery or any type of dip.

Another healing remedy for digestive issues is Pukka tea. This tea has fennel and chamomile, a very calming and soothing herb. It also contains marshmallow root, which cuts on GI inflammation. This tea is my go-to whenever I have a stomach ache!

You can also incorporate more fermented foods into your diet, which feeds the good bacteria. For example, fermented foods could include plain yogurt, miso, kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

Of course, I also recommend a digestive enzyme to help you easily break down the foods that can be tough on your system. Try our Whole Journey digestive enzyme!

Use these tips to minimize bloat and prevent gas! And as always, for more information, you can check out our gut health blog category.

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